Monthly Archives: October 2022

Symptoms of a Failing Water Pump in Your Car

Symptoms of a Failing Water Pump in Your Car

The water pump is a component of the engine that pumps water and oil through the machine. The oil is used to lubricate parts of the engine and to cool it down. The water helps to cool the oil and provide lubrication. The water pump is part of an engine's cooling system. It draws water from the radiator and forces it through a series of tubes, eventually transferring it into a tank on the other side of the car. When you turn on your vehicle, this tank fills up with cold water and then flows to one or more cylinders in your engine, where it flows through them until they are sufficiently cooled down. Symptoms of a Failing Water Pump When your car's water pump fails, you may notice the following: Shuddering when you start your vehicle or turn it off. Loud noises from under the hood (such as a clunking sound) An oily or slippery feeling under your car when you get in or out. Your car may suddenly lose power, especially when you stop at a stop sign or red light. You may hear ... read more